Cules Coding

If you want to set an authentication system like jwt, then you have to store your token inside the client(browser). You store them either in localStorage or as a cookie. But when you perform any kind of server-side operation, then you don't have access to the client. So you can't access the cookies from the server-side. Then what is the solution?

The solution.

import { GetServerSideProps } from 'next'
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (ctx) => {
const { req, res } = ctx
const { cookies } = req
return { props: {} }

I have created a YouTube video about this. You can check that out. If you like this video, please like and subscribe to my channel.

You can access the cookies from the request object inside the getServerSideProps data fetching method. You can learn about data fetching methods of nextjs from



getServerSideProps method takes context as a parameter. A context is a giant object. Request and Response object is inside the context object.

const { req, res } = ctx

In the request object you'll find a cookies object.

const { cookies } = req

All your cookies will be inside the cookies object.

So that's it for this blog.

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